
mercoledì, maggio 23, 2012

"Richtfest".. o "Guarnizione" ??

Qui a Patatolandia hanno l'abitudine di festeggiare quando, durante la costruzione di una casa, si arriva al tetto.

Logicamente non tutti lo fanno, ma puo' capitare che ai futuri proprietari venga questa idea, e la vogliano condividere con parenti & amici, con gli architetti & ed i muratori.
Molte volte anche con i futuri vicini di casa, come nel nostro caso.

Se ogni tanto per le strade bavaro-patatolesi si vedono sul tetto delle case degli alberelli, con tanto di cordoni bianco-azzurri ( i colori della Baviera, insomma ), significa che i muratori sono arrivati al tetto e che quindi si festeggia :)

Se ben ricordo, in Italia, viene messa una bandiera tricolore. Ma non so nulla circa eventuali festeggiamenti a tal proposito.
Chi sa o si ricorda qualche cosa?.

The Carpenter’s Poem

With grace and goodwill!
The ceremony is here
It rests the workman’s hand
After long, hard days of labour
The Richtbaum stands proudly over the land.
We’ve done a fine job
A fine building is standing
So free, light and effortless
I’ve never seen a better sight!

Such a work can only be done
If every man works faithfully
And all stand together
The master, apprentice and journeyman

And all the rewards after their precise work
For the old tradition of the Richtfest today
Where they can make themselves strong with food and drink
The mason and the carpenter

Today everyone is proud and happy,
Those who worked so proficiently
Those fine workmen
Who did their profession proud

With that, as best I can,
As strong as a carpenter
With pride upon this lordly sight,
I wish the new house good fortune

We ask God
Who protected us so well from all ills,
We ask Him to protect this building
From need and danger in all its forms

With great pleasure I take this glass in hand,
Filled to the brim with wine,
And with the fiery fruit of the vines,
Every man wants the honour I’ve been given,
Given to me by the old tradition
Of when a building has been finished.

The first glass is for the builders:
Three cheers for them, hip hip hooray!

The second sip is for the architects,
Three cheers for them, hip hip hooray!

Now for those who at all times
Not only need their head, but also their hand
Let praise be upon them once more, to the carpenters
Through whose strength, this building stands

Now the glass is empty
And I’ve not much else worth saying
So I throw this down to the ground below
Nobody needs a broken glass again
But the shards bring the luck and blessing
Of all workers!

Innumerevoli sono poi i links di riferimento.
Questi sono _solo_ alcuni!..

Un po' qua ... und ein bisschen dort

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